Essentially, it is the role of the students to deal with the progressions of all projects in a manner that best guides the student body, the communication with external parties, and the ongoing delivery of the actions in respect to the projects.
The PRISM initiative is fully operated by the students whereby the students themselves develop level tests, lesson plans, and even the overall curriculum of the program in its respective levels. As well, with appointed student leaders, they help maintain the overall operation of the program by selecting other student members, by overseeing the quality of the lessons, and by being in direct contact with the students themselves to not only deliver the lessons, but to receive feedback and communicate. It is an ongoing process where SALT students build a relationship with those they teach and engage in developmental sessions to make adjustments and improve the program to best suit the communities, continuously.
SALT educates students by helping them to recognize their passion and to turn it into action through meaningful programs, social services, and volunteer work.
The PRISM initiative first began within the SALT International community whereby senior students began a “Reading Buddy” program to make reading more bearable, exciting, and interactive for the elementary students. This was soon spread to a wider range of students in the community that included the Pre-Junior and Junior students into the program as well.
Through the overall success of the PRISM initiative, it helped motivate the students to take further action by offering help to the youths outside the school community as well, specifically reaching out to students seeking English lessons due to the lack thereof opportunities on their end.